Honoring Innovation and Adoption: COVESA Adopter & Contributor Awards

COVESA Showcase award medallion
October 7, 2024
Carin Lagerstedt


COVESA is powered by the energy and commitment of its members, who collaboratively push the boundaries of connected vehicle innovation. Recognizing these contributions, we have introduced the COVESA Adopter & Contributor Award. This award celebrates the individuals and organizations that have adopted COVESA outputs in their products and actively contributed to COVESA’s ongoing development.

A Record-Breaking AMM in Novi

The recent COVESA All Member Meeting (AMM) in Novi, Michigan, wrapped up last week, with over 300 attendees participating in an agenda packed with discussions on the business and technical opportunities brought by a data-centric approach to current and future connected vehicle solutions. As Executive Director Steve Crumb remarked: “The COVESA Adoption and Contributor Award celebrates those who embrace the work being done in our community. It’s a way to recognize those who not only participate, but truly shape the future of mobility through adoption, collaboration, and innovation.”

How Winners Are Selected

The COVESA Adopter & Contributor Award winners are chosen based on several factors, including exceptional innovations, contributions, and adoptions of COVESA work. During the showcase at the recent COVESA Fall AMM, a team consisting of Board and Technical Steering Team members visited each showcase table to hear pitches and determine which organizations would receive awards based on the following criteria:

  • Adoption of COVESA technologies
  • Contribution back to COVESA
  • Innovative use of a COVESA technology
  • Openness of the solution (this is a bonus, not a requirement)

Fall 2024 Award Winners: aicas and RemotiveLabs  

COVESA Executive Director Steve Crumb with Dr. James J. Hunt, Co-Founder, CEO and CTO of aicas
  • aicas

“We are honored to receive this award for our real-world solution for efficient vehicle data management. Together with NXP, we’ve developed a data management process using COVESA VSS, enabling smarter vehicle operations and fleet optimization. This achievement demonstrates the power of collaboration within the COVESA ecosystem.”

Dr. James J. Hunt, Co-Founder, CEO and CTO of aicas

Learn more about aicas.

COVESA Executive Director Steve Crumb with the RemotiveLabs team
  • RemotiveLabs

“We at RemotiveLabs value the open and collaborative community. The connections and contributions we make within COVESA strengthen our collaboration with industry leaders in adopting more developer-centric approaches while shaping new potential de-facto standards”.

Carin Lagerstedt, CMO of RemotiveLabs

Learn more about RemotiveLabs.

About the Award

The COVESA Adopter & Contributor Award was first introduced at the COVESA Spring 2024 AMM in Gothenburg, where Mavi.io, Renesas, and Tietoevry were recognized for their adoption of COVESA work and active contributions. If you want to make your mark in the connected vehicle ecosystem, don’t miss the chance to join us at the next COVESA AMM in Spring 2025!


The Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance (COVESA) is an open and member-driven global technology alliance accelerating the full potential of connected vehicles and the mobility ecosystem. As the only alliance focused solely on developing open standard approaches and technologies for connected vehicles, COVESA serves as a collaborative platform that brings together automotive software stakeholders with world-class developers to address opportunities and challenges in the automotive industry and navigate the digital transformation shaped by customer expectations.  To learn more about COVESA or to join our community, visit www.covesa.global.

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Organizations interested in joining the Alliance as active members can learn more at www.covesa.global/join.