Groups & Projects

Connected Safety Group

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The Connected Safety Group brings together experts from public safety, automotive, commercial transportation, and government to make our roads safer for everyone. The goal is to:
  • Define comprehensive stakeholder-based safety-related scenarios and value propositions
  • Collaborate with COVESA members and other safety-related organizations to develop safety expertise and community within COVESA
  • Develop integrated safety system prototypes and references and implementation
  • Publish white papers on key findings, best practices, and implementation recommendations
The result is to accelerate the delivery of connected technologies that benefit everyone who shares, protects, and maintains our roadways. Examples include:
  • Protecting and giving aid to vulnerable vehicles and occupants stranded along roadways
  • Expediting 9-1-1 notification, reducing emergency response time, and secondary collision risk for motorists involved in a crash
  • Seamlessly augmenting advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), such as automatic emergency braking, steering, lighting, and messaging with emerging vehicular emergency safety sensor technologies, including LiDAR, radar, camera, ultrasonic, acoustic, thermal, and vehicle submersion sensors
  • Providing 911 Public Safety organizations with critical information so that they dispatch the right personnel and equipment to the scene
  • Mitigating liability and lost productivity for commercial vehicles involved in roadway crashes
Group Site:
Chairs: Lawrence Williams (LIDAR Saving Lives), Tim VanGoethem (ESS)
Group Site:
Meetings: First Thursday of every month at 18:00 CET / 12am ET / 9am PT (Community Calendar)

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