Automotive AOSP App Framework Standardization

Automotive AOSP App Framework Standardization

A collaboration that minimizes fragmentation in automotive to facilitate and attract a wide variety of apps that may be deployed on vehicles from any manufacturer. This is done by identifying, specifying, and implementing the necessary shared components such as notifications, emulators, app store, etc. With mutual requirements and guidelines for APIs, and reference implementations, costs can be reduced and time-to-market can be sped up enabling development focused on innovation.

AOSP App Framework Standardization is the central part of building an app ecosystem within the COVESA umbrella.

Why is Automotive AOSP framework standardization and App Framework needed?

A rich catalog of apps for infotainment systems is a critical element in allowing end-consumers to access their favorite digital content in the car, as well as to create new experiences.

The traditional approach to app development for vehicles can and should be made easier for app developers.

By adopting common standards for the vehicle Android Open Source Project and reducing the gaps between automotive systems not using Google Automotive Services (GAS) and those using GAS, the COVESA AOSP App Framework Standardization group counteracts fragmentation and facilitates the development of apps for a vibrant automotive ecosystem.

Adnan Brkan
Gabriel Gautron
Innovation and Partnership Manager
“The COVESA App Ecosystem aligns requirements and enables the creation of a toolbox for vehicle app development. This includes standardization of relevant APIs.”

Traditional Approach

The traditional approach is not attractive for app developers and does not enable innovation and rich customer experiences. For OEMs, it also reduces speed and adds cost. 


The Automotive AOSP App Framework Standardization Expert Group is creating shared components, resulting in several ecosystem benefits:

Enabling app innovation and rich experiences
Frictionless onboarding and testing for app developers
Building a cross-OEM app ecosystem
Avoid fragmentation

How to counteract fragmentation in the AOSP app ecosystem?

App developers shouldn’t have to develop unique apps, with specific requirements and different deployment patterns for each OEM. Such a traditional approach is not only difficult to scale for app developers, but it also causes specific development work within each OEM.

COVESA App Ecosystem Approach


A collaborative approach unifying the majority of requirements in cross-OEM app ecosystem (i.e., a white label app store will speed up development and reduce costs for all parties involved). 

Focus topics for efficient AOSP app development   

The Automotive AOSP App Framework Standardization Expert Group can be seen as a “White Label App Store” for Android identifying gaps between AAOS with/without GAS. The group proposes, specifies, and/or develops solutions/alternatives. Current priorities include:

  • Push notifications
    • Standard specification
    • Reference implementation
  • Non-GAS OEM independent emulators
  • Camera API
  • Entertainment Apps

The expert group continuously reviews open areas in the standards of Android Automotive to tackle and add them to the group backlog.


Adnan Brkan
Richard Fernandes
Strategic Connectivity Technologies
General Motors
“To make it attractive to develop applications for vehicles the key thing is really to break down the fragmentation in the traditional ecosystem. Then everyone can still add their own flavor or setup to it.”

Member Contributors


BMW – Melina Mascolo
Forvia – Gabriel Gautron
General Motors – Richard Fernandes

Get Involved

If you would like to contribute to the AOSP App Framework, or if you would like more information, please contact

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