Groups & Projects

Commercial Vehicle Group

Overview: Commercial fleets rely on advanced fleet management systems, powered by high-quality vehicle data for fleet safety, efficiency, sustainability, and innovation. The need for high-quality data will increase as fleets increase their dependence on software, data, analytics, and artificial intelligence.

Access to high-quality data has traditionally been provided by specialist telematics providers. Now there is greater openness and desire to use OEM-enabled standardized fleet management data. Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an excellent start in providing cross-OEM standardized data, but more is needed.

The Commercial Vehicle group identifies issues and gaps in the practical use of VSS for commercial vehicle fleets, provides potential solutions, best practices, and recommendations, and potentially provides sample data, prototype cross-cloud exchanges, and establishes conventions and conformance checkers.

Initial focus areas: Operations, Safety, Productivity, Sustainability, and Compliance.

Target group members: Automakers, Fleet Operators, Telematics Service Providers, Tier 1s, and Insurance and Fintech companies.

New to the Commercial Vehicle Group?  Check out the Commercial Vehicle Group Spotlight page.

Chairs: Ted Guild (Geotab)
Meetings: Weekly on Monday at 17:00 CET / 11:00 am ET / 8:00 am PT (Community Calendar)
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