Groups & Projects

Data Expert Group

Overview: The Data Expert Group (DEG) is a group in which the best practices and common approaches for connected vehicle data and interfaces are discussed, documented, and where appropriate, proved. The primary goal of the group is to facilitate, simplify, and reduce integration efforts, and improve interoperability, enabling focus on new experiences, business opportunities, and revenue streams.

The expert group works under the oversight of the COVESA Technical Steering Team and is organized to explore interactions with multiple Touchpoints (integration points) on their own as well as horizontally in support of other Expert Groups such as the Electric Vehicle Charging Expert Group. The Technical Steering Team tracks touchpoints out-of-scope and may, from time to time, require analysis based on work done in other regulatory or standardization bodies.

The group is organized around four pillars with existing activities (e.g., groups, projects, and initiatives) mapped as determined by the Board:

Chairs: Erik Jaegervall (Bosch), Adnan Bekan (BMW)
Meetings: Weekly on Thursday at 16:00 CET / 10:00 am ET / 7:00 am PT (Community Calendar)
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